Interactive dice and game parts exchange values and powers

The Individual Zap Dice

... is a Zap Dice which frame is owned by only one players.

Zap Disks can be removed (A) only by himself, or (B) himself and other players, or (C) only by other players, ... depending from the rules of that particular zap game.

These are some possible general situations:

First type of game: 1, 2 or more Individual Zap Dice are used by each player.

Second type of game: players have 1, 2 or more Individual Zap Dice and they also have tranfer possibilities of Zap Disks to other Zap Tools (fe. Common Zap Dice, Zap Pawns, ...)

Depending of the rules 1, 2 or more Zap Disks can be removed, replaced , interchanged or captured.

Type of Change: Blind, Chosen, Obligated, Limited, Forbidden, Stepwise, Restricted pieces, Successive, Uni-color/Multi-color, One/More Pcs., Authorizes access to other Zap Dice, Zap Tool or Disk, etc.
Depending from the game concept Individual Dice can have very special apperance since they are no longer a traditional dice. For example check the City Game. In that game each player has three active individual dice and one Collector dice which need to be filled. The three active individual dice are thrown and when 2 or 3 identical disks appear a transfer to the empty dice is allowed. In the mean time the 3 active dice loss more and more disks and they become more unbalanced due their empty sides. Thus the physical quality of a ZAP Dice may even change during his 'work'.

You understand that the game inventor or designer has now all kind of possiblities to create an unique 'masterpiece'. If he want individual dice from the start with only three disks he will have them. Flexibility in game design become a reality with the ZAP-Concept.

© Dirk Laureyssens 1991-2003. All rights reserved. Rights owned by